
Multidipity is a micro-search engine, complete with internal publishing tool to upload interactive video advertising or video marketing. Each micro-site owner has full control over their content, restricted only by their user agreement with the licensed Multidipity owner. Each site has an internal mailing system associated with their account for direct messaging from their customers (with reply) in-system with no possibility of messages being missed or going into spam.

Each Multidipity engine is white label and bespoken to the licensed ❛owner❜ — search words; industries served; location searches.

Your Multidipity may either sit inside your own website, or have a standalone web portal leading to the public facing search page.

Multidipity has no upfront costs or set up fees. The engine is wholly owned by Edatachase Ltd. and has been developed through direct experience of the current limitations of huge search engines and the serendipity of the web (the same experience hampering most businesses). There are no hidden costs; no percentages; no long contract terms.

Your community can build internal trade, promote new initiatives, find the right people to do the right job, support business using your engine.